Why Can't I Top Up My Account Using a Bank Card?

  1. We only accept payments from cards that have the 3D-Secure function enabled (payment confirmation with a code from the bank). Please check with your bank if this feature is enabled on your card.
  2. Make sure you enter all card details correctly, including the cardholder's name, expiration date, and number.
  3. Use only your personal cards. Using someone else's card to top up your balance is prohibited, and such transactions may be blocked by the provider.
  4. Ensure that there are sufficient funds on your card.
  5. Some cards are simply not supported by our payment provider, or such transactions may be declined by your bank. In this case, try again in a couple of days or use a different top-up method.
  6. If you encounter any issues, please contact support and ask why you cannot top up your balance; we will try to help.